The Nicola Rylett Group have created a program for leaders like you to harness the power of positivity to improve your personal and business success.

Do your team support one another?
Do they take responsibility for their actions?
Do you reward and celebrate success?
Do you know whether your team feel inspired and find their work meaningful?
Do you have a work-life balance?
Is your business lacking originality?
If your answer is a no or maybe to any of the above questions, there is one key ingredient lacking in your business…positivity!
If you are looking for motivation to create transformation in your business, you might want to hear more about the #PositiveNRG Program.
Program Structure
The program focusses on 4 areas
Your Team
Corporate Social Responsibilty
Each area has 7 themes for you to work through. We’ve included assessment tools to find out where you are and how you’ve improved, inspiring stories and quotes and activities to get you ‘doing’.
This program can be as little or as interactive as you want, here are our 4 options:
work through our program independently at your own pace
An 8-week guided program, with live Q & A’s and weekly group sessions
A 4-week guided program, with live Q & A’s and weekly group sessions
An 8-week guided program, with live Q & A’s, weekly group sessions and 2x 1-1 sessions.
If you’d like to find out more about the themes that are covered in the program and to request your SAMPLE:
What can you expect?
You’re probably thinking, what will the outcome be? Why should I join this program? Well, to solve whatever problem your facing.
The themes we cover, and the weekly self-assessments will prove how you can:
increase self and team morale
increase self and team wellness
develop both in and out of the business
improve corporate social responsibility
improve levels of accountability and productivity within the business
What are you waiting for? Start injecting more positivity into your business and watch it flourish!