Some of you might have noticed I didn’t post last week. Nothing too drastic….I just couldn’t think of anything to say.
‘NO!’ I hear you cry. ‘Nicola Rylett lost for words, nothing to say. I don’t believe you’
Well, folks, it's true. You see I was busy living life. Working on my work/life balance I just stopped thinking about business/ work for a couple of days. I decided to get lost in the wonder that is our amazing world. The outdoors, friends, family, countryside, and time just to sit.
I enjoyed my morning runs by the river each day. We had friends pop in for lunch, so I took the afternoon off and drank wine with them. We ate lots of great food. We meandered through the brocante’s (antique markets). We rode our bikes to undiscovered (well to us) villages and towns. I read. All in all, I had a little break, a small holiday from the business.
And do you know I think I needed it. You see I realized that (probably like many of you) I’d not had any real time off for over 17 weeks (since the start of COVID). I normally have some time off each quarter, so this is the longest I have been without at least a night/weekend away.
When was the last time you had some time for yourself? Took a breath? Just enjoyed being in the now, rather than thinking what zoom call do I have next or how were you going to keep the kids entertained?
I don’t need to tell you; Health and Wellbeing is important. But I believe it is now more important than ever. You see we might be in this state of flux/crisis for some time. This disease is not going anywhere, so we all need to continue to be careful and keep our guards up for the foreseeable future. It’s going to keep challenging us for months or even years to come. So we need to be fit and ready over the long term.
With this in mind, I suggest you can’t keep putting it off. Taking some time to rest. Find a way of relaxing and taking time out of the business in whatever way you enjoy. It might only be a night with friends….it might be leaving the laptop switched off over the weekend….it might be going to the great outdoors (Just avoid Snowdonia.) It might be going on holiday. It doesn’t matter what it is – just breathe, rest up, relax, and recharge.
We not only need to get use to ‘Working in the New Normal’ but we also need to get used to resting and having a break in a different way. Please look after yourself.
As for me…I’m fully recharged, bubbling with NRG and ready to go again. BRING IT ON!