“I love that it is just a 2 min read".
“I look for it on Monday mornings”.
These are just some of the lovely comments I’ve had about the weekly digest. It got me
thinking about why feedback was so important. For me it's about doing the best I can and
helping bring out the best in others. Feedback might not always be the easiest thing to do, but it certainly will (if done well) stimulate positive change.

Whether its for you, your team, a staff engagement survey, 360 reviews, customer
feedback, your partners, friends and family telling you like it is, we all need feedback to
grow, get better and develop.
Here are a couple of articles that might stimulate your thoughts....
Something to make you smile...
Giving feedback doesn’t have to be hard. Shari Harley’s funny communication skills training video demonstrates three examples of giving feedback in a minute and forty one seconds.
Giving feedback fast is better than spending 20 or 90 minutes giving feedback.